Game Master (GM) Pictures
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Welcome To The GM Picture Site
These are pictures found by myself, Bergus, from Final Fantasy XI. We are on Midgardsormr and our Linkshell name is One Winged Angels. These are pictures taken directly from the game and placed on the internet for your viewing pleasure.
Site Updates
2/24/04- I added everything I have seen from a GM thus far
6/3/04- Deleted Leaping Lizzy pic and added a few more GM stuff. Turns out people still do visit this site. Someone on Midgardsormr recognized me today! Want to say thanks to that LS who actually linked this site on their LS site. If you see Bergus around Midgard don't be afraid to say hi.
A note about the pictures:

I, Bergus, personally took all these pictures myself using the program Fraps. Twice I got stuck in Kazham and had a GM assist me out. Bot GMs were nice enough to show themselves to me where I quickly took as many pictures as I could. I am still missing some of the armor. I do not have the cape, belt, neck, or sword yet. Maybe someday I will get stuck again and have these pictures to show the world. I have not gotten stuck since February and I guess square has tried to fix that glitch. Hope to find some way to get stuck/trapped.

Our "Official" Linkshell Website

Feel free to visit our real website at:
The GM pictures would normally be there, but Vindjammer has found other things to do with his time. He is the guy who created and maintains that website. The website has not been updated since February, but it is still worth checking out. We put a lot of time into that website even though it's outdated. Check out the armor/weapons pages.

The Full Story

So this is what happened. I got stuck twice in Kazham and required a GM to help me get out. The first time I was in a party and ran to the home point crystal to set my home point before we went out to battle. I set it and then made a left turn to run back. The next thing I know I was under the wooden floorboards. I told my party, and they were not very happy. They actually dropped me from the party and I was left there, alone. There was no way out. I called a GM and sat and waited for about 10 minutes. I then got a /tell from a guy named Myndon. He told me he was there to help me out. Just as I got that message the screen went black and I saw the now loading message. When the screen lit up again I saw I was right back on the platform. I looked around, but did not see any GM. I was very upset. I asked the GM if I could see him. Just then a guy in blood red armor appeared. He was constantly glowing like when a Monk uses boost. I quickly took as many pictures as I could before he left. Needless to say, I was very excited. I talked to my friends in the OWA about what happened. They told me I should have checked his armor and took pictures of it. I was a little upset that I did not do that. I figured that was probably my only opportunity, but I was wrong.

About 1 month later I was in a party with 2 other OWA members to go to Norg. This time I was right near the auction house. I went to check the auction house and then ran back to leave the action house area. Just like last time I suddenly realized I was under the floorboards. I was extremely excited. Krelian was in Kazham with me and Sypher was on the airship coming. I made the GM call and within 5 minutes I got a /tell from a GM named Avalgida. Just like last time the screen went black with the now loading message and I was back on the floor. Just like last time it all happened with no GM visible. This time I was ready to check the armor. I quickly asked the GM if I could see him/her and he/she said no, they are not allowed to do that. I was very disappointed. I started to beg saying that it is not a big deal and seeing a GM should be a perk of getting stuck. The GM finally said okay, but that it would be real fast. The GM appeared, but then disappeared within 2 seconds. It was too quick to get even a single photo. I complained that that was not fair. The GM then told me he/she would do it once more, but that they cannot do this normally. Avalgida appeared and I took as many shots as I could. I still was not fast enough and missed a few items, plus Avalgida had no sword equipped. I was still happy because I got another opportunity and did what I wanted. I then said thank you and Avalgida disappeared. That is how I got my pictures you see here. If you are ever lucky enough to get stuck you probably will not see a GM. Just ask, they are usually nice enough to show themselves.



The OWA!
All 4 current members of our small, but powerful linkshell. Sadly 2 of the 4 have left (Sypher and Vindjammer). Sypher was first to go and then Vindjammer about a month later. Bergus stopped leveling his Dark Knight at level 50 and is currently just chilling around. It's hard to say goodbye. Krelian is still going strong with his monk getting closer to the 70's every day.